


Pwnzer0tt1 is the academic team of the @Polytechnic of Bari composed by students enthusiast about cybersec and CTF competitions.

Our team was born during the national competition of CyberChallenge 2022, and continue to grow thanks to new students at CyberChallenge that wants to join in our team.

Contacts: - CTFtime - Github - Discord - Linkedin - Instagram - Twitter

Who we are?

Here you can find some information about the participants of the team:

Domingo Dirutigliano
Domingo Dirutigliano
@www @email @github
Nicola Pace
Nicola Pace
Nicola Guerrera
Nicola Guerrera
@www @github
Oscar Urselli
Oscar Urselli
Salvatore Abello
Salvatore Abello
Daniele Di Spirito
Daniele Di Spirito
Vito Cafagno
Vito Cafagno
Pierantonio D'Agostino
Pierantonio D'Agostino
Domenico Rotolo
Domenico Rotolo